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Brand internships

Reward Points

I. summary
To encourage outstanding students during school learning to co-branding business practices to learn, and after graduation to brand cooperation in business employment, special set "Asian university brand internships / guarantee employment-cum-paid scholarship application points" (hereinafter referred to as the "points") .

II. the scholarship Applicable

Payment standard based undergraduate school scholarships and apply object-related regulations. 
Eligibility of the student in the preceding paragraph, the need to agree to participate in the school "brand internship / job training to ensure that the ad hoc" and comply with the relevant points of implementation specifications, otherwise deemed to give scholarships.

III. the scholarship amount

According to school "brand internships and guaranteed employment" provisions of scholarships, based on each department's performance ranking admission into the following levels when pitch: 
(A) first to fifth place prize of $ 15,000. 
(B) the sixth to fifteenth place prize of $ 10,000.

IV. the payment method:
Annual school students enrolled in line with the brand internships / scholarships ensure employment eligibility, and by the "brand internship / job training to ensure that the project elements," freshman Tai completed the prescribed course of three persons each, issued before the internship begins. However terminate training, stop training or not academics, not distributed.

V. Other considerations: 
The scholarships licensed students should carefully consider individual career planning, to participate in "brand internship / job training to ensure that the project" shall not apply during the Institute, short-term study abroad, overseas study tours or other personal factors, request an extension, rescheduled training or internships, and offenders Cancel brand internship arrangements, and should be refunded to the collar of the scholarship.

Download: Asia University brand internship / scholarship application-cum-paid employment guarantee Points

The brands Internship

The department actively working with industry to build brand company internship and employment guarantee cooperation, the current junior or senior students have many opportunities to conduct internships, outstanding performance of the students, will give priority to employment after graduation. 
Important partners or company

