Status | Full-Time Faculty |
Name | Hsiu-Yu Ku |
Job title | Assistant Professor Level professional and technical personnel |
Tel | 6426 |
Office | A202-B |
Education | Master of science, Fashion design (碩士主修)in Department of Fashion and visual studies Drexel University, USA Bachelor of science, Design and merchandising (學士主修)in Department of Fashion and visual studies Drexel University, USA |
Experience | Shih Chien University, Department of Fashion design, PT Adjunct instructor Hwa Hsia University, Department of Applied Cosmetology, PT Adjunct instructor Trend forecasting analyst and designer of Textile Fashion Design Center in Taiwan Textile Federation Nordic Lifestyle, Product manager Hannspree Inc., Product marketing manager Prosperous Enterprises Ltd. , Manager Richemont Asia Pacific Limited, Montblanc sales Associate |
Expertise | Apparel craftsmanship, jewelry design, multimedia art, design painting, brand marketing, product development |
Office Hour | Office Hour |
Websites |
Date of Publication | Paper Title |
2024.05 | 全馨(Hsin Chuan)、古秀玉(Hsiu-Yu Ku), 服飾布料創意技法之研究 , 第40屆纖維紡織科技研討會, May. 2024, 台灣/逢甲大學 |
2024.04 | 王靜儀(Ching-Yi, Wang)、古秀玉(Hsiu-Yu Ku), Visual impression and memory effect of public service advertisements , International Conference on Critical Architecture, Culture and Design (ICCACD - 24), Apr. 2024, Nagoya, Japan |
2023.06 | 劉宜萱(XUAN-YI LIU)、古秀玉(Hsiu-Yu Ku), 衣時代童裝創意設計之研究 , 第12屆海峽兩岸紡織學術論壇暨2023台灣紡織產業加值創新研討會, Jun. 2023, 台灣/台北/輔仁大學 |
2023.04 | 王靜儀(Ching-Yi, Wang)、林長毅(Chang-Yi Lin)、古秀玉(Hsiu-Yu Ku), Discuss the impact of COVID, 19 on clothing color - 3rd IEEE International Conference on Electronic Communications, Internet of Things and Big Data 2023 (IEEE ICEIB 2023), Apr. 2023, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan |
2022.05 | 陳歆珮, 沉浸式體驗與元宇宙概念結合之服裝秀探討 , 2022第四屆台灣紡織研究論文發表會, May. 2022, 亞東科技大學(線上) |
2022.05 | 曾湘婷, y2k美學風格之流行趨勢影響探討 , 2022第四屆台灣紡織研究論文發表會, May. 2022, 亞東科技大學線上 |
2021.12 | 陳歆珮、古秀玉(Hsiu-Yu Ku), 探討全息投影時裝秀之可行性 , 中華民國紡織工程學會第69屆年會, Dec. 2021, 逢甲大學 |
2021.12 | 曾湘婷、古秀玉(Hsiu-Yu Ku), 探討Z世代流行文化及消費價值 , 中華民國紡織工程學會第69屆年會, Dec. 2021, 逢甲大學 |
Year | Project name | Advising professor | Department | Student name |
112 | 服飾工藝面料再造之創意設計研究 | 古秀玉 | 時尚設計學系 | 全馨 |
111 | 衣時代-多功能領片童裝創意設計之研究 | 古秀玉 | 時尚設計學系 | 劉宜萱 |
Design | Publish date | Location | Creator |
織我所在亞大師生聯展 : 植物花藝藍曬及刺繡創作 Sound of the sea 我聽見大海的聲音 | 2022/04/30 | 台中市纖維工藝博物館 | Hsiu-Yu Ku |
植物花藝藍曬及刺繡創作 Sound of the sea 我聽見大海的聲音 | 2022/04/30 | 台中市纖維工藝博物館 | Hsiu-Yu Ku |